
FERC Order 2222 & DER Policy Implementation Bi-Monthly Reports
These bi-monthly reports are a series designed to track and deep dive into DER policy implementation at the state and regional level. A new report will be released at the end of every other month.

January 2025

This report summarizes the latest developments in FERC Order 2222 and DER Policy implementation, including updates on MISO’s DER Task Force (DERTF), by the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (IURC), the Staff of New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (NJBPU), the City of New Orleans, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the Commonwealth of Virginia, and the U.S. Department of Energy Commercial Liftoff report. The Key Issues Analysis of this report covers the topic of Governance, with the following subtopics: FERC’s Jurisdiction over DER Aggregations, Jurisdiction, Registration and Licensing of DER Aggregators and Dispute Resolution.

November 2024

This second report in the series covers a summary of the latest developments in FERC Order 2222 and DER Policy implementation, then provides a history of FERC Order 2222. The Key Issue Analysis examines the topics of Data Access and Privacy and explores the concept of a DER "Single Source of Truth" with a Shared DER Registry. The report concludes with Tracker ( Tips and Highlights.

September 2024

Welcome to the first report in a new series that will track and dive deep into DER policy implementation at the state and regional level. Collaborative Utility Solutions is pleased to announce that DOE has hired our team to launch a FERC Order 2222 and DER Policy Implementation Tracker at With this report and the website (, state commission staff, interested researchers and all stakeholders interested in DER policy will have access to the latest and most useful information on FERC Order 2222 and DER policy.

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